Now that spring is in full swing, I'm thinking picnics, travel, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day. In short, many of us will be on-the-go! And, being food lovers, we're focused on how to bring along the foods we love - including fresh California extra virgin olive oil. Fortunately, we've got a solution for olive oil. We'll bring our new trial product we're testing out this month - the California Olive Ranch Olive Oil-to-Go packet.
It's small, lightweight and perfect for all of your outdoor gatherings and summer travels. My colleague Roger even brought some on a recent Grand Canyon backpacking trip; he made a mushroom pasta recipe near the base of the canyon (see photo below)!
The packet holds nearly a tablespoon of our fresh, extra virgin olive oil - perfect for using with your on-the-go meals.
It can be used in countless ways. Bring some along on picnics for use in a salad ... or for drizzling on farm fresh corn and sliced tomatoes. Pack some in your purse or backpack. Bring some on an airplane to drizzle on your carry-on meal … or to the office. Let your imagination run wild!
During May, for a limited time only, our packets are available at our online store: You can get a bag of 10 for $5.99, or 5 bags of 10 for $24.95.
We'd love your feedback on our new product! Please email us at, and share your ideas and suggestions for using the packets.
Don't forget photos! We'll be posting your comments and photos on our new Pinterest board, as well as on Facebook. (If this product is something our fans truly enjoy, we'd love to consider adding it to our ongoing featured items.)
So this May, head outside with our Olive Oil-to-Go packets and enjoy some healthy, flavorful food!
Bon appétit,